Find your ideal sleep schedule
It’s National Sleep Awareness Week! If you struggle to get quality sleep, you’re not alone. Although there’s no one single fix for all poor sleepers, the place many people should start is with their sleep schedule.

Meal Prep Made Easy - Your Nutrition Game Changers are Here!
March is Nutrition Month! Check out our meal programs that take the stress and guesswork out of healthy eating and give you a simple, realistic plan to follow.

Dear Karen - From Struggle to Strength
“For years, I believed I would always have to live with that voice in the back of my mind, whispering rules and restrictions. I assumed that recovery meant managing, not actually healing. But I’m happy to say I was wrong.”

5 Ways to get 20g Protein at Breakfast
Check out this list of 5 easy breakfasts that pack at least 20 grams of protein.
![[Download] In the Zone Heart Rate Training Guide](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6005950147a6a51d636a01aa/1707948531941-5JS3JZ8N2DPLGQ4SJS5G/Public+Cover.png)

National Girls & Women in Sports Day | Empowering Future Leaders
Celebrating National Girls and Women in Sports Day!
Through sports we can teach young athletes how understanding and effectively managing emotions lays a foundation for navigating life's challenges with resilience and composure.
And we empower them to become our future leaders.

Unlocking Success: Worksite Health Promotion Emerges as a Top Fitness Trend in 2024
“For so long, success has come for many people at the expense of their well-being. Together, we can create a world where success and well-being isn’t just encouraged, but where they go hand in hand.”

Mastering Macros
When working with our nutrition clients, I put together these custom meal guides not as a prescription or strict meal plan, but as a GUIDE! It's a visual that shows them how to turn these target numbers into REAL FOOD. And it's all customized based on unique needs, goals, allergies, preferences, time, and more...

Cinco de Mayo Recipe Collection
Here's a taste of what you’ll find in your recipe collection:
Shrimp Ceviche
Air-Fryer Chicken Taquitos
Sweet Potato Quesadillas
Mexican Street Corn Soup
Cucumber & Lime Chia Fresca

Dear Karen - How’s it going?
This coming week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week and I want to take this opportunity to include my voice in the theme of strength through experience and knowledge.

Wellness Speaker Series
We’re really excited for this opportunity to collaborate and share our knowledge and experience with you.

You’re Invited!
"I'm excited to announce and invite you to our brand new online community - Wellness Central. It's our free (yet robust) online community for men and women who work on location, from home, while traveling, or a combination of any of those.
Inside Wellness Central we provide the ability to connect with others, healthy tips, thoughtful approaches to wellness, exclusive events, AND accountability!"

Highlight Reel - Top 5
If you had a favorite post from this year, comment below and let me know which one it was!
As we say good-bye to 2022, I wish you a healthy, happy New Year and loads of success professionally, AND personally in 2023.

Do THIS Right Now
“Remember: Don’t let the urgent get in the way of the important - because YOU and YOUR needs are important.”

Inside Look: 2023 Coaching Program
2023 Online Coaching begins in just a few weeks! Learn more about our 6-Month Coaching Program and be one of the first to secure your spot! *Spaces are limited

What You Need | Flexibility & Affordability
“It is our goal to build a community of like-minded professionals who want to lead a successful, happy life without sacrificing their health on the way.
To do that, we're on a mission to help organizations and their employees to be stronger, healthier, and more successful than ever.”

Take (small) Action to Build Momentum That Lasts
“You see, the things we enjoy can be relative to the things we struggle with. Embracing the struggles and challenges life throws at us and learning from each experience will build the momentum you need to get over the next obstacle.
And once you get over one, the next one doesn’t seem so bad.”