‘Tis the Season

’Tis the season for popular fad diets to fail.  Why?  Because the diets you read about overpromise unrealistic results and provide zero foundation for what you’re really looking for.  Sure, you’ll most likely see results right away, but has what you’ve done to get those results really taken into account what works for you and what you enjoy so that you can confidently navigate your way through the holidays?


Most people know this isn’t the time of year to be “dieting” and yet most people fear this time for the cookies, alcohol, buffets, and lack of time for exercise.  Isn’t this supposed to be the happiest time of the year?


When your foundation is filled with gaps between different programs and diets that didn’t work, you’re left lacking confidence and support of what something concrete, that’s built over time can provide.


Simply put, the most complex home won’t stand on it’s own without a strong foundation.  How can you expect yourself to navigate a difficult time (hello 2020) without positive behaviors that you’ve proven to yourself work when you practice them consistently.  These behaviors are developed over time.  They take dedication and an eagerness to look within yourself and adjust what makes sense for you.  Not anyone else.


The holidays are a time to focus on what’s most important to us and what we truly value, not to be depriving ourselves of what we enjoy most.  Use this time to recognize what you hold closest to you.  Start the new year with actions that will help you appreciate these values while making small adjustments to your unique lifestyle. Don’t follow someone else’s rules just because they sold a lot of books.  Write your own damn book!  Here’s some tips how…


Ask yourself what has worked for you in the past when you’ve not just had results, but when you really felt good.  What did you do to feel that way?  Find ways to incorporate those practices in the new year and then continue to build upon that.


End the cycle once and for all. Don’t “start” over…I’ve written about that before.  Use your struggles and your triumphs to help determine which practices will fill the gaps in your foundation and allow you to reach farther.  All experiences are part of your foundation.  Be kind to yourself and let any past mistakes stay where they belong without any judgement of self-doubt.  You learned from them and without them, wouldn’t have gotten to where you are today.


Enjoy the holiday season.  Eat the food, sleep under the softest blankets, submerse yourself in tradition.  Especially this year.   We have the opportunity to take a deeper look at what we’re missing.  Family, friends…not just “things” but social and emotional connections.  Write that down and make it part of your foundation.  Build upon that in the new year.


Nutrition is confusing enough.  Remember that challenges and support go hand in hand.  The harder the challenge gets, the more support is needed.  Even the tallest, strongest buildings have staging to help build them up.  Hiring a coach who cares about individuals as a person with unique needs and different lifestyles can empower you to build upon your foundation the strongest ‘you’ yet.


If you’re interested in learning more about my nutrition coaching, please feel free to reach out.  While I may chat with potential clients during the holidays to get started in the new year, it’s not realistic to start with anyone during the holidays.  Be prepared for a non-sales pitch should you decide to write or call.


Eat the food, sleep under the softest blankets, and submerse yourself in tradition.  This is all part of your foundation just like it is mine.  I’ll be following my own advice until the new year and I hope you find it helpful too…


Awesomeness & Your Comfort Zone


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