5 min - hip mobility, ground-based internal and external rotation.
10min - ground based, hip stretching and mobility
Frog stretch - hips, groin, inner thigh
Alternating downward calf stretch
Groiners - great for warm up or active recovery - groin, inner thigh, hips
Two exercise flow - downward dog into runners lunge
Ground based flow
Alternating arm raise for shoulder mobility
Body rocks - balance, core, and ankles
Childs pose to the side for obliques
Seated staggered arm sweeps
Downward dog
Seated staggered hip rotation
Childs pose regular
Kneeling hip rocks
Seated hip rotation
5 min - tabletop, ground-based mobility sequence perfect for your low back.
Grab some mobility sticks or broom sticks for a total body session in 5 min.
Wing Stretch - shoulders, chest, back
Most popular dynamic warm up/movement series - 5min
A-Frame Rotation - core, back, shoulders
Two exercise flow - warrior 2 into triangle
Breath & fold flow - repeat as many times as you need to bring air into your body & stretch
Hip hinge for hamstrings & low back - can also be a strength exercise
Kneeling thoracic rotation
Standing hip circles
Seated staggered hip drive
Modified downward dog (knees bent, heels up)
Tabletop hip circles
Childs pose for your lats - arms wide, thumbs up
Kneeling shoulder sweeps